samedi 22 décembre 2007


What I would advise you to is to use a Windows XP SP2 version, there's too much trouble with Vista (more due to Microsoft than to Tacx), but Tacx is releasing little by little the necessary drivers for Vista.

I've used Windows XP SP2 and have got no problems getting the Fortius working.

Minimum specs :

I must admit that I still hav'en't found on the Tacx website (I know I'm a pain...) what should be the minimum specs necessary to run the Fortius.
For the moment, my Fortius seems to run perfectly with an Athlon 3300+ (2.2 Ghz), an AGP 8x graphic card with 512 Mb memory, and 1 Gb Ram.

I had some troubles with a 128Mb graphic card, although the Fortius ran Ok, I had to set the graphic settings very low.

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